Once you've decided on the style and size you want, there are two important ingredients needed to order the panel meter that best suits your application - input value and scale.
Typical input values can be 0-5AAC, 0-50mV, 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-750VAC, 0-10VDC and a host of others too numerous to mention here.
Scales don't necessarily indicate the same values as the inputs. In fact, they rarely do. They do when the input is 0-750VAC and the scale reads 0-750VAC. Most of the time, however, you'll probably have something like 0-5AAC input and a scale which reads 0-100AAC or 0-150% or perhaps 4-20mA in and a scale of 0-5000FPM (feet per minute) or 1000 GPH (gallons per hour). You get the idea.
If you're ordering a DIGITAL panel meter, then you'll also have to specify the auxiliary voltage, usually 120VAC, so that the display will light up. |